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Posted 4 months ago
Can anyone help me in writing assignment about method (steps) to measure any type of atom using infrareds spectroscopy
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Sample Preparation: Prepare the sample by diluting or mixing it with a non-absorbing solvent if it is in liquid form, or by grinding it with potassium bromide (KBr) to form a pellet if it is a solid
Instrument Calibration: Calibrate the infrared (IR) spectrometer using a standard reference that has a known spectrum
Spectrum Acquisition: Place the sample in the path of the IR beam and record the spectrum. The spectrometer measures the intensity of the transmitted light as a function of frequency or wavelength
Spectrum Analysis: Analyze the spectrum to identify the characteristic absorption bands of the atoms or functional groups present in the sample
To measure an atom using infrared spectroscopy, prepare the sample, calibrate the instrument, acquire the spectrum, and analyze the absorption bands.
Key Concept
Infrared spectroscopy measures molecular vibrations that provide information about the atoms and functional groups in a sample.
The method involves preparing the sample, calibrating the spectrometer, recording the IR spectrum, and analyzing the characteristic absorption bands to identify the atoms present.

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