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Posted 5 months ago
Can you make a low power drawing of a lilium ovary and a high power drawing of an embryonic sac?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Here are the drawings and explanations for a low power drawing of a Lilium ovary and a high power drawing of an embryonic sac.
Low Power Drawing of a Lilium Ovary: At low power, you will see the overall structure of the ovary, which includes the ovary wall, locules (chambers), and ovules. The ovary is typically divided into three locules, each containing multiple ovules. The ovary wall surrounds these locules
High Power Drawing of an Embryonic Sac: At high power, focus on a single ovule within the locule. The embryonic sac (also known as the embryo sac) is located within the ovule. It contains the egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal cells, and a central cell with two polar nuclei. The egg cell is located near the micropyle, flanked by the synergids. The antipodal cells are located at the opposite end, and the central cell is in the middle
Key Concept
Structure of Lilium Ovary and Embryonic Sac
The Lilium ovary is a part of the flower's reproductive system, containing multiple ovules within locules. The embryonic sac within each ovule is crucial for fertilization and subsequent seed development.

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