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World History
Posted 5 months ago
Can you tell me more about the tools mentioned in written records that archaeologists use to excavate ancient structures and burial sites?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Archaeologists use a variety of tools to excavate ancient structures and burial sites, many of which are mentioned in written records. These tools include trowels, brushes, shovels, and sieves. Trowels are used for precise digging and scraping, brushes help in cleaning and uncovering delicate artifacts, shovels are employed for removing larger amounts of soil, and sieves are used to sift through soil to find smaller artifacts. Additionally, more advanced tools like ground-penetrating radar (GPR) and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) are used to detect structures below the surface without excavation.
Key Concept
Archaeological Tools and Techniques
The tools and techniques used by archaeologists are crucial for the careful excavation and preservation of ancient structures and burial sites. Written records often mention these tools, highlighting their importance in uncovering historical artifacts and understanding past civilizations. The use of both traditional tools like trowels and brushes, and modern technology like GPR and LiDAR, allows archaeologists to conduct thorough and non-invasive investigations.

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