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Posted 4 months ago

Carbon-14 is an element which loses exactly half of its mass every 5730 years. The mass of a sample of carbon-14 can be modeled by a function, MM, which depends on its age, tt (in years).

We measure that the initial mass of a sample of carbon-14 is 741 grams.
Write a function that models the mass of the carbon-14 sample remaining tt years since the initial measurement.

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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To model the decay of Carbon-14, we use the exponential decay formula, which is M(t)=M0×(12)tTM(t) = M_0 \times \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{t}{T}}, where M0M_0 is the initial mass and TT is the half-life of the substance
step 2
Given that the initial mass M0M_0 is 741 grams and the half-life TT is 5730 years, we substitute these values into the formula to get M(t)=741×(12)t5730M(t) = 741 \times \left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\frac{t}{5730}}
step 3
Simplifying the expression, we have M(t)=741×0.5t5730M(t) = 741 \times 0.5^{\frac{t}{5730}}. This is the function that models the remaining mass of the Carbon-14 sample after tt years
[1] Answer
M(t)=741×0.5t5730M(t) = 741 \times 0.5^{\frac{t}{5730}}
Key Concept
Exponential Decay
The function M(t)=741×0.5t5730M(t) = 741 \times 0.5^{\frac{t}{5730}} represents the exponential decay of Carbon-14, where the mass halves every 5730 years.

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