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Posted about 1 month ago

Classify each of the following substances as an element, compound or mixture:
sea water & hydrogen & honey \\
magnesium oxide & copper(II) sulfate & blood \\
calcium & mud & potassium iodide solution
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Answer from Sia
Posted about 1 month ago
Classify sea water: Sea water is a mixture of water, salts, and various other substances. It does not have a fixed composition
Classify hydrogen: Hydrogen is an element, represented by the symbol H on the periodic table
Classify honey: Honey is a mixture of sugars, water, and other compounds, making it a mixture
Classify magnesium oxide: Magnesium oxide is a compound formed from magnesium and oxygen, with the formula MgOMgO
Classify copper(II) sulfate: Copper(II) sulfate is a compound with the formula CuSO4CuSO_4, consisting of copper, sulfur, and oxygen
Classify blood: Blood is a complex mixture containing cells, proteins, and other substances, thus classified as a mixture
Classify calcium: Calcium is an element, represented by the symbol Ca on the periodic table
Classify mud: Mud is a mixture of water and various particles, making it a mixture
Classify potassium iodide solution: Potassium iodide solution is a mixture of potassium iodide (KIKI) dissolved in water, thus classified as a mixture
Sea water: Mixture
Hydrogen: Element
Honey: Mixture
Magnesium oxide: Compound
Copper(II) sulfate: Compound
Blood: Mixture
Calcium: Element
Mud: Mixture
Potassium iodide solution: Mixture
Key Concept
Classification of substances into elements, compounds, and mixtures
Elements are pure substances made of one type of atom, compounds are made of two or more elements chemically combined, and mixtures contain two or more substances that are not chemically bonded

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