Consider a hypothetical element, , which has an atomic number of 122 and is located in a newly discovered row of the periodic table. Element forms an oxide, ZO_3, which exhibits both ionic and covalent character. The oxide is a solid at room temperature and has a high melting point. In the context of modern chemical theories, which of the following statements is most likely to be true about the bonding and structure of ZO_3? Options: a) ZO_3 has a molecular structure with sp^2 hybridization in Z and forms a lattice similar to silicon dioxide. b) ZO_3 forms a polymeric structure with resonance-stabilized Z-O bonds and has hybridization in Z. c) ZO_3 exhibits a metallic bonding character due to the delocalization of electrons from to the oxygen atoms. d) ZO_3 has an ionic lattice with partial covalent character, where exhibits an oxidation state uncommon for its period.
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