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Posted 4 months ago
Control of gene expression in prokaryotic cells occurs at which level?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Control of gene expression in prokaryotic cells primarily occurs at the transcriptional level.
Transcriptional control: This is the most common level of gene expression regulation in prokaryotes. It involves the initiation of transcription, where regulatory proteins such as repressors and activators bind to specific DNA sequences (operators and promoters) to either inhibit or promote the transcription of genes
Post-transcriptional control: Although less common, gene expression can also be regulated after transcription. This includes mechanisms such as mRNA degradation and the regulation of translation initiation
Key Concept
Transcriptional control
In prokaryotic cells, the primary control of gene expression occurs at the transcriptional level, where regulatory proteins interact with DNA to control the initiation of transcription. This allows the cell to efficiently respond to environmental changes by quickly turning genes on or off.
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