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Posted 4 months ago
Define both thermophiles and psychrophiles, and explain an adaptation of each that allows them to live in their extreme environments.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Thermophiles and psychrophiles are microorganisms that thrive in extreme temperature environments.
Thermophiles: These are organisms that thrive at relatively high temperatures, typically between 45°C and 122°C. An adaptation that allows thermophiles to live in such extreme environments is the presence of heat-stable enzymes and proteins that do not denature at high temperatures
Psychrophiles: These are organisms that thrive at very low temperatures, typically below 15°C. An adaptation that allows psychrophiles to survive in cold environments is the presence of cold-active enzymes and antifreeze proteins that prevent ice crystal formation within their cells
Key Concept
Thermophiles and psychrophiles are adapted to extreme temperatures.
Thermophiles have heat-stable enzymes, while psychrophiles have cold-active enzymes and antifreeze proteins.

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