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Posted 9 months ago
Describe the difference between an ion channel receptor and a GPCR
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Ion channel receptors are membrane proteins that allow ions to pass through upon ligand binding, while GPCRs activate G proteins upon ligand binding to initiate a signaling cascade.
Structure: Ion channel receptors are pore-forming proteins that allow specific ions to pass through the membrane, while GPCRs are not channels but rather activate G proteins
Mechanism of action: Ion channel receptors open or close in response to ligand binding, directly altering ion flow across the membrane. GPCRs, on the other hand, activate G proteins which then trigger downstream signaling pathways
Speed of response: Ion channel receptors typically produce a rapid response by quickly changing the ion permeability of the membrane. GPCRs usually induce slower responses as they involve multiple steps in the signaling cascade
Key Concept
Ion channel receptors and GPCRs differ in structure, mechanism, and speed of response.
Ion channel receptors form a channel that opens or closes to allow ions to pass in response to a ligand, resulting in a fast cellular response. GPCRs activate G proteins that then initiate a series of events leading to a cellular response, which is generally slower due to multiple steps involved.

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