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Posted 4 months ago
Describe the difference between science news informational articles scientific research articles and scientific review articles
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
The differences lie in the purpose, content, and audience of each type of article.
Science news informational articles: These are written for a general audience and aim to inform about recent scientific findings or events in a simplified and accessible manner
Scientific research articles: These are detailed reports of original research findings, written for a scientific audience, and include methodology, data, analysis, and conclusions. They are often peer-reviewed
Scientific review articles: These articles summarize and synthesize existing research on a particular topic, providing an overview of the current state of knowledge. They are also written for a scientific audience and are typically peer-reviewed
Key Concept
Differentiation of scientific literature
Science news articles are for broad dissemination of science to the public, research articles present original science to experts, and review articles summarize existing science

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