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Posted 5 months ago
Describe what is meant by selective gene expression and why it is important to how a cell functions.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Selective gene expression is the process by which specific genes are activated or deactivated in a cell, allowing it to perform its unique functions.
Selective gene expression: This refers to the mechanism by which cells regulate the expression of genes, ensuring that only the necessary genes are transcribed and translated into proteins at any given time
Importance to cell function: Selective gene expression is crucial because it allows cells to differentiate and specialize, enabling them to perform specific functions within an organism. For example, muscle cells express genes related to contraction, while nerve cells express genes related to signal transmission
Key Concept
Selective gene expression
Selective gene expression ensures that cells produce only the proteins they need, which is essential for cellular differentiation and the proper functioning of multicellular organisms.

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