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Computer Science
Posted 9 months ago

Design the stack with all activation record instances, including static and dynamic chains,
when execution reaches position (A) in the following skeletal program. Assume outer is
at level 1.
B. Consider the following C++ skeletal program:
4 marks
class Large {
int X;
float y;
void Larg_Fun() noexcept(false) {
try {
std::cout << "Larg_ Fun() some code\n":
(x <0) {
throw X;
std.ncout << "Larg_Fun(): some code\n";
if (y>0) {
throw y;
std::cout << "Larg_Fun(): some code\n";
catch (int) {
std::cout << "Larg_Fun(): catch(int)\n";
class Small {
float b;
void Small_Fun() noexcept(false) {
try {
std:cout << "Small_Fun(): some code\n";
Large I;
std::cout << "Small_Fun(): some code\n";
if (a ) 0) {
throw a;
std.:cout << "Small_Fun(): some code\n";
if (b<0) (
throw b;
std.cout << "Small_Fun(): some code\n";
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Based on the information provided, the student is asking for an explanation of a C++ skeletal program related to a stack with activation record instances. However, the student's question does not explicitly ask for code to be written or for a function to be defined and tested. Instead, the student is seeking assistance in understanding and analyzing the provided C++ code.

Since the student's question does not require writing new code, I will provide an explanation of the C++ skeletal program and how to approach the design of the stack with activation record instances.

The C++ skeletal program provided is designed to simulate a stack with activation record instances. The classes 'Large' and 'Small' contain methods that can throw exceptions. The 'Larg_Fun()' method in the 'Large' class and the 'Small_Fun()' method in the 'Small' class include try-catch blocks to handle exceptions. The stack with activation record instances should be designed to keep track of the method calls and their local variables (including static and dynamic chains) when execution reaches a specific point in the program.
Step-by-step Instruction
Identify the point (A) in the program where the execution is supposed to reach and the stack needs to be analyzed
Design the stack to include all activation record instances, which should contain information about the function calls, their parameters, local variables, and the static and dynamic chains at the point of interest
Consider the exception handling mechanism in C++ and how it affects the stack when an exception is thrown and caught
Determine the state of the stack at position (A) by considering which functions have been called and not yet returned, and what exceptions, if any, are being propagated
Time Complexity
The time complexity is not applicable here as we are not analyzing the runtime of an algorithm but rather the structure of a stack at a specific point in the execution of a program.
Space Complexity
The space complexity refers to the amount of memory used by the stack to store the activation records. Each activation record will consume space proportional to the number of local variables and the information about the function call it contains.

Please note that the actual code and the point (A) in the program are not provided in the question, so a more detailed analysis of the stack at that specific point cannot be given without additional information.

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