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World History
Posted 4 months ago
Discuss three ways in which the british carribbean planters attempted to control the economic of enslaved men and woman​
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
British Caribbean planters attempted to control the economies of enslaved men and women through measures such as the enforcement of strict labor regimes, the manipulation of slave codes, and the restriction of slaves' economic activities.
Key Concept
Control of Enslaved Populations' Economic Activities
In the British Caribbean, planters sought to maximize profits from their plantations by tightly controlling the economic lives of enslaved individuals. One method was the implementation of strict labor regimes, which dictated the work schedules and tasks of enslaved people, often under harsh conditions. This ensured a steady and controlled output of plantation goods such as sugar. Additionally, slave codes were legal frameworks that restricted the rights and freedoms of enslaved people, including their ability to trade or own property, thus limiting their economic autonomy. Lastly, planters often suppressed or prohibited the development of enslaved people's markets or their participation in economic transactions to prevent the emergence of independent economic agency that could undermine the plantation economy. These measures were designed to maintain a system where the economic output of enslaved individuals directly benefited the planters and the broader colonial economy, while suppressing any form of economic independence among the enslaved.

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