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Posted 9 months ago

Distinguishing between terrestrial omnivorous feeding, arboreal fruit - eating and arboreal leaf - eating is an important dimension for understanding chimpanzee social organisation and primate evolution. Unlike folivores and frugivores, faunivores will eat:
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Faunivores will eat animals or meat.
Dietary classification: The text distinguishes between different feeding strategies among primates, which are important for understanding their social organization and evolution
Faunivores: Unlike folivores that primarily eat leaves, and frugivores that eat mainly fruit, faunivores are adapted to eat animals or meat
Key Concept
Primate dietary categories
Understanding the dietary preferences of primates, such as terrestrial omnivorous feeding, arboreal fruit-eating, and arboreal leaf-eating, is crucial for studying their social structures and evolutionary history. Faunivores, in contrast to folivores and frugivores, consume meat, which reflects their unique ecological niche and behavioral adaptations.

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