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Posted 5 months ago
Draw the structure of the following diene, 4-methyl-1,3-hexadine 
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Identify the main carbon chain: The compound is named 4-methyl-1,3-hexadiyne, which indicates that the main carbon chain has six carbon atoms (hex-) and contains two triple bonds (diyne) at positions 1 and 3
Determine the position of the triple bonds: The numbering of the carbon chain starts from the end nearest to the first triple bond, which means the triple bonds are located between carbon atoms 1 and 2, and between carbon atoms 3 and 4
Identify the substituent: The name indicates a methyl group (-CH₃) is attached to the carbon chain. The number 4 indicates that the methyl group is attached to the fourth carbon atom
Draw the structure: Based on the information, the structure can be drawn with the main chain of six carbon atoms, two triple bonds at the specified positions, and a methyl group on the fourth carbon
H₃C-C≡C-C≡C-CH₂-CH₃ with a methyl group attached to the second carbon from the right (4th carbon of the main chain).
Key Concept
Understanding IUPAC nomenclature is essential for drawing the structure of organic compounds.
The name "4-methyl-1,3-hexadiyne" provides all the information needed to draw the compound's structure, including the length of the carbon chain, the position of the triple bonds, and the location of the methyl substituent.

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