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Posted 5 months ago

Each of the following statements describes a step in the replication of SARS - CoV-2. These steps are listed in random order. Read through the steps and, in the spaces provided below, list them in the order they occur in the human body.

The virus releases its RNA genome into the cell.
Viral RNA is translated into proteins by the cell's ribosomes and viral RNA polymerase helps transcribe more copies of the viral RNA.

The virus binds to a receptor on a human cell's membrane.
New viruses travel to the cell membrane of the infected cell and are released outside the cell.

Correct order: \qquad
Group of answer choices
C,A,D,BC, A, D, B
C,A,B,DC, A, B, D
A,C,B,DA, C, B, D
A,B,C,DA, B, C, D
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
C, A, B, D
Key Concept
Replication steps of SARS-CoV-2
The correct order of steps in the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in the human body is: the virus binds to a receptor on a human cell's membrane (C), the virus releases its RNA genome into the cell (A), viral RNA is translated into proteins by the cell's ribosomes and viral RNA polymerase helps transcribe more copies of the viral RNA (B), and new viruses travel to the cell membrane of the infected cell and are released outside the cell (D).

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