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World History
Posted 6 months ago
Economic hardship, social exclusion, and anger over government corruption were the driving factors of protests in Egypt, where more than 846 people were killed.
In Tunisia, decades of autocratic rule combined with widespread poverty led to a tide wave of protest, leaving 300 people dead in its wake.

In Yemen, security forces unleashed a deadly crackdown on anti-government protests.

The uprising in Libya shifted from demonstrations demanding human rights to armed conflicts between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces.

Protesters in Jordan demanded political, economic, and governmental reforms.

How do these uprisings compare to each other? Check all that apply.

Unrest led to protests and demonstrations.
Some governments used violence to end protests.
Most countries experienced civil war.
Citizens sought better living conditions.
Citizens were content with their governments.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
Unrest led to protests and demonstrations.
 Some governments used violence to end protests.
Citizens sought better living conditions.
Key Concept
Popular Uprisings and Government Responses
The uprisings in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, Libya, and Jordan during the period known as the Arab Spring share commonalities in that they all involved significant public demonstrations and protests. These protests were primarily driven by economic hardship, social exclusion, and anger over government corruption. In several cases, governments responded with violence in attempts to suppress the uprisings. Not all of these uprisings resulted in civil wars; however, Libya is a notable exception where protests escalated into an armed conflict. The statement that citizens were content with their governments is not supported by the context of widespread protests and demands for reform.

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