Energy bar charts
For each of the situations described below, use an energy bar chart to represent the ways that energy is stored in the system and flows into or out of the system.
11. A cup of hot chocolate cools as it sits on the table. (10 points)
12 A tray of water is placed in the freezer and turns into ice cubes . (10 points)
Energy Fion
Quantitative problems
Be sure to show work and label quantities. Stiow the time-lemp kraph. Useful constants
Heat of fusion (Hi) (melting of freezing
Heat of vaporization (Hy) (evaporating or condensing)
Heat eapacity (c) of solid water
Heat capacity (c) of liquid water
13. How much enersy must be absorled by a sample of wce at that melts?'10 points)
14. A 50.0 g samiple of hiquiat water freeres. How much oncory is involvod in this change? points)
15. An ice cube tray full of rice (235g) at is allowed to warm un to . but daes not melt. How much energy must be absorbed by the contents of the tray in order tor this to huppen? (10 points)
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