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Posted 5 months ago
Explain, as if to a family member, how your body will actively prevent the kind of alkalinization promised by dietary supplements.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The body has several mechanisms to maintain its pH balance and prevent alkalinization.
Buffer systems: The body uses buffer systems, such as the bicarbonate buffer system, to neutralize excess bases or acids. The reaction HCO3+H+H2CO3 \text{HCO}_3^- + \text{H}^+ \leftrightarrow \text{H}_2\text{CO}_3 helps maintain pH balance
Respiratory regulation: The respiratory system can adjust the rate of carbon dioxide exhalation. Increased breathing rate expels more CO2_2, reducing alkalinity
Renal regulation: The kidneys can excrete excess bicarbonate (HCO3\text{HCO}_3^-) in the urine, which helps to lower the pH and prevent alkalinization
Key Concept
The body maintains a stable internal environment (homeostasis) through buffer systems, respiratory adjustments, and renal regulation to prevent significant changes in pH levels

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