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Posted 4 months ago
Explain different types of gene and chromosome mutation.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Different types of gene and chromosome mutations
Point mutations: These are changes in a single nucleotide base pair in DNA. They can be silent (no change in protein), missense (change in one amino acid), or nonsense (introduces a stop codon)
Insertions and deletions: These mutations involve the addition or loss of nucleotide base pairs. They can cause frameshift mutations, altering the reading frame of the gene
Duplications: A segment of the chromosome is duplicated, resulting in multiple copies of that segment. This can lead to gene dosage effects
Inversions: A chromosome segment is reversed end to end. This can disrupt gene function if it occurs within a gene
Translocations: Segments from two different chromosomes are exchanged. This can lead to gene fusion and altered gene expression
Key Concept
Gene and chromosome mutations can alter genetic information and affect protein function.
Mutations can occur at the level of individual genes or entire chromosomes, leading to various genetic disorders and changes in phenotype.

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