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Posted 4 months ago
Explain how Homo habilis is similar to and different from the australopithecines.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Homo habilis is similar to australopithecines in being bipedal and having a similar diet, but differs in having a larger brain size, more advanced tool use, and possibly more complex social behavior.
Bipedalism: Both Homo habilis and australopithecines walked on two legs
Brain Size: Homo habilis had a larger brain compared to australopithecines, indicating advanced cognitive abilities
Tool Use: Homo habilis is known for more advanced tool use than australopithecines
Diet: Both species had omnivorous diets, but Homo habilis may have relied more on meat
Social Behavior: There is evidence to suggest that Homo habilis may have had more complex social structures
Key Concept
Comparison of Homo habilis and australopithecines
Homo habilis shares some traits with australopithecines like bipedalism and diet but exhibits a larger brain, more sophisticated tool use, and potentially more complex social behavior, marking an evolutionary advancement.

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