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Posted 5 months ago
Explain how dominant and recessive epistasis alter the normal dihybrid ratio of 9:3:3:1
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Dominant epistasis can result in a 12:3:1 ratio, while recessive epistasis can result in a 9:3:4 ratio, both altering the normal 9:3:3:1 dihybrid ratio.
Dominant Epistasis: Occurs when the dominant allele of one gene masks the effects of both alleles of a second gene
Example of Dominant Epistasis: In the case of squash color, a dominant allele A A can mask the expression of the other gene B B , leading to a modified ratio of 12:3:1 instead of 9:3:3:1
Recessive Epistasis: Occurs when the homozygous recessive condition of one gene masks the effects of a second gene
Example of Recessive Epistasis: In Labrador retrievers, the e e allele is epistatic to the B B gene, and when homozygous recessive ee ee , it masks the expression of B B , resulting in a modified ratio of 9:3:4
Key Concept
Epistasis is the interaction between genes where one gene masks or modifies the expression of another gene, altering the expected phenotypic ratios in a dihybrid cross.
Dominant epistasis involves a dominant allele masking the expression of alleles at a second locus, while recessive epistasis involves a recessive allele at one locus masking the expression at a second locus, both leading to altered phenotypic ratios from the expected 9:3:3:1 in a dihybrid cross.

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