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Posted 5 months ago
Explain the meaning of this phrase: Self-control evolves from the outside to the inside." List at least one way this process can be supported.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The phrase "Self-control evolves from the outside to the inside" suggests that the ability to regulate one's own behavior and impulses is initially influenced by external factors and gradually becomes an internalized process.
External influences: Initially, self-control is shaped by external factors such as parental guidance, societal norms, and cultural expectations
Internalization: Over time, individuals learn to internalize these external controls, developing their own mechanisms for self-regulation
Supportive process: This process can be supported by consistent and positive reinforcement, teaching of coping strategies, and the development of executive functions
Key Concept
Development of self-control
Self-control develops as individuals internalize external influences and learn to regulate their own behavior through consistent reinforcement and skill development.

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