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Posted 4 months ago
Explain what a phenotypic ratio of 9:7 means.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
A phenotypic ratio of 9:7 in genetics suggests the interaction of two genes that control a trait, where both genes must have at least one dominant allele to express the dominant phenotype.
The 9:7 phenotypic ratio arises from a dihybrid cross involving two genes with epistatic interactions
In this scenario, both genes contribute to the expression of a single trait, and the dominant alleles of both genes are required to produce the dominant phenotype
The genotypic ratio that leads to this phenotypic ratio can be represented as follows: when A A- is epistatic to B B- , the presence of at least one dominant allele A A is necessary to produce the dominant phenotype. If the genotype is aa aa , the phenotype will be recessive, regardless of the B B gene's alleles
The cross AaBb×AaBb AaBb \times AaBb can produce offspring with the following genotypes and phenotypes:
- 9/16 exhibit the dominant phenotype (at least one A A and one B B allele: AB A-B- )
 ⋮ - 7/16 exhibit the recessive phenotype (either aaB aaB- , Abb A-bb , or aabb aabb ) 
∻Key Concept∻ ⚹ Epistasis ⚹ ∻Explanation∻ ⚹ Epistasis occurs when the effect of one gene is dependent on the presence of one or more 'modifier genes'. In a 9:7 phenotypic ratio, the interaction between two genes results in epistasis, where one gene masks or modifies the expression of the other gene. ⚹

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