Figure 1
Figure 2
3. (12 points, sugzested time 25 minutes) Figure 1. Cat A is initially moving to the right, and Cart B is initially moving to the left. Cart A is in.iिistyg to fle Iight, as sinowinim Figure 2.
(a)Inficate winich rait, if either, has the greater mass.
Cant Cart B The carts have the same mass.
Brieffy justify your amswer ming qualitative reasoning beyond referencing equations.
(b) Cant A hes meass and finitial speed . Cart has mass and initial speed . Starting winh conservation of momentum, derire an equation for the velocity of the two-cart system after the coltision Express your answerin terms of , and physical constants as appropriate. Begin your derivaire by wrifing a İmatamemtal physics principle or an equation from the reference book.
(c) Indicate whefher fhe equation you derived in part (b) agrees with your reasoning in paut (a).
Explain your reasoning.
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