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Posted 5 months ago
For each of the sensory systems: describe the stimulus that initiates sensory perception, name the type of sensory receptor involved in the sensory system, briefly describe how information about the stimulus is converted into a nerve impulse
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Sensory perception is initiated by specific stimuli that are detected by specialized sensory receptors, which then convert the information into nerve impulses.
Visual System:
Stimulus: Light waves of specific wavelengths
Receptor: Photoreceptors (rods and cones) in the retina
Conversion to Nerve Impulse: Photoreceptors transduce light into electrical signals, which are processed by retinal neurons and transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve
Auditory System:
Stimulus: Sound waves (pressure waves in the air)
Receptor: Hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear
Conversion to Nerve Impulse: Sound waves cause the basilar membrane to vibrate, bending the hair cells, which then convert mechanical movement into electrical signals sent to the brain via the auditory nerve
Olfactory System:
Stimulus: Volatile chemical molecules
Receptor: Olfactory receptors in the nasal epithelium
Conversion to Nerve Impulse: Chemical molecules bind to receptors, triggering a signal transduction pathway that results in nerve impulses sent to the brain
Gustatory System:
Stimulus: Soluble chemical substances
Receptor: Taste receptors on taste buds
Conversion to Nerve Impulse: Chemical substances interact with taste receptors, causing ion channels to open or close and generating an electrical signal that is sent to the brain
Tactile System:
Stimulus: Mechanical pressure or distortion
Receptor: Mechanoreceptors in the skin
Conversion to Nerve Impulse: Mechanical deformation of the receptor cell membrane leads to changes in ion permeability, resulting in a receptor potential that triggers nerve impulses
Key Concept
Sensory receptors are specialized cells that detect specific types of stimuli and convert them into electrical signals (nerve impulses) that can be interpreted by the brain.
Each type of sensory receptor is adapted to detect a specific kind of stimulus. The conversion of the stimulus into a nerve impulse involves a process called transduction, where the physical or chemical stimulus is converted into an electrical signal that the nervous system can process.

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