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World History
Posted 9 months ago
For this assignment, you will create a time line of key dates and events leading to the fall of the Western
Roman Empire.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Here is a timeline of key dates and events leading to the fall of the Western Roman Empire:

- 235-284 CE: Crisis of the Third Century – A period of military anarchy, economic instability, and external invasions.
- 312 CE: Battle of the Milvian Bridge – Constantine I becomes the sole ruler of the Roman Empire and later converts to Christianity.
- 330 CE: Foundation of Constantinople – Constantine I establishes a "New Rome" in the east, which shifts power away from the western part of the empire.
- 378 CE: Battle of Adrianople – The Visigoths defeat the Roman army, marking a significant blow to Roman military prestige.
- 410 CE: Sack of Rome – For the first time in nearly 800 years, the city of Rome is sacked, this time by the Visigoths under Alaric.
- 455 CE: Sack of Rome by the Vandals – The city is sacked again, further weakening the Western Roman Empire.
- 476 CE: Deposition of Romulus Augustulus – The last Roman emperor of the west is deposed by the Germanic chieftain Odoacer, marking the traditional end of the Western Roman Empire.

Key Concept
The decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire was a complex process influenced by internal strife, economic difficulties, and external pressures from various invading groups.
This timeline highlights some of the pivotal moments that contributed to the weakening and eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Crisis of the Third Century set the stage for later difficulties, while the rise of Constantinople and the shift of power to the east left the west more vulnerable. Military defeats, such as at Adrianople, and sacks of Rome by barbarian groups, demonstrated the declining power of Rome. The symbolic end of the Western Roman Empire came with the deposition of Romulus Augustulus in 476 CE, although the empire had been in decline for some time before this event.

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