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Posted 5 months ago
Given that iodine exists as a single ionized atom in solution, that water molecules consist of 3 atoms, glucose consists of 24 atoms, and starch consists of many hundreds of atoms, what was the basis of the dialysis bag's permeability?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The basis of the dialysis bag's permeability is primarily determined by the size and charge of the molecules.
Molecular size: The dialysis bag is selectively permeable, allowing smaller molecules to pass through its pores while restricting larger molecules
Molecular charge: The charge of the molecules can also affect permeability, as the dialysis membrane may repel or attract charged particles
Key Concept
Selective permeability of the dialysis bag
The dialysis bag allows the passage of small molecules like iodine and water while restricting larger molecules such as glucose and especially starch, based on their size and charge.

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