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Posted 2 months ago
Answered Correctly. Answer is West Wind Drift and prevailing west winds

Given what we know about wave action why are the largest waves observed around Antarctica?
deep water formation in the Ross and Weddell Sea
brine exclusion
West wind drift and the prevailing west winds
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Answer from Sia
Posted 2 months ago
The largest waves are observed around Antarctica due to a combination of factors including the West Wind Drift, prevailing west winds, and the Coriolis effect.
West Wind Drift: The West Wind Drift, also known as the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, is a powerful ocean current that flows from west to east around Antarctica. This current is driven by the strong and persistent westerly winds in the Southern Hemisphere
Prevailing West Winds: The prevailing west winds, also known as the Roaring Forties, Furious Fifties, and Screaming Sixties, are strong westerly winds found in the Southern Hemisphere. These winds are particularly strong around Antarctica due to the lack of significant landmasses to disrupt their flow
Coriolis Effect: The Coriolis effect, caused by the rotation of the Earth, influences the direction of wind and ocean currents. In the Southern Hemisphere, it causes moving air and water to turn left, contributing to the strong west-to-east flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Key Concept
West Wind Drift
The West Wind Drift, driven by strong westerly winds and influenced by the Coriolis effect, creates powerful ocean currents around Antarctica, leading to the formation of large waves.

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