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Posted 5 months ago

Hadassah bowls a strike on 60%60 \% of the frames she bowls. Let FF be the number of frames Hadassah bowls until she bowls a strike. Assume the results of each frame are independent.

Find the probability that it takes Hadassah less than 3 frames to bowl her first strike.
You may round your answer to the nearest hundredth.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Calculate the probability of Hadassah bowling a strike in one frame, which is given as 60%60\% or 0.60.6
step 2
Calculate the probability of Hadassah not bowling a strike in one frame, which is 10.6=0.41 - 0.6 = 0.4
step 3
Calculate the probability of Hadassah bowling her first strike in the first frame, which is the same as the probability of a strike in one frame, P(F=1)=0.6P(F=1) = 0.6
step 4
Calculate the probability of Hadassah bowling her first strike in the second frame. This is the probability of not bowling a strike in the first frame and then bowling a strike in the second frame, P(F=2)=0.4×0.6P(F=2) = 0.4 \times 0.6
step 5
Add the probabilities of bowling a strike in the first frame and in the second frame to find the total probability of bowling a strike in less than 3 frames, P(F<3)=P(F=1)+P(F=2)P(F<3) = P(F=1) + P(F=2)
step 6
Calculate P(F<3)=0.6+(0.4×0.6)P(F<3) = 0.6 + (0.4 \times 0.6)
step 7
Simplify the expression to find P(F<3)=0.6+0.24=0.84P(F<3) = 0.6 + 0.24 = 0.84
step 8
Round the answer to the nearest hundredth, which gives P(F<3)=0.84P(F<3) = 0.84
[1] Answer
P(F<3)=0.84P(F<3) = 0.84
Key Concept
Calculating cumulative probability of independent events
The probability of Hadassah bowling a strike in less than 3 frames is found by adding the probabilities of independent events: bowling a strike in the first frame or not bowling a strike in the first frame but bowling a strike in the second frame.

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