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Posted 3 months ago

Here are two different samples drawn from two different populations:

Which sample satisfies the normal condition for performing a tt test?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) Sample A only

B Sample B only
(c) Both samples
(D) Neither sample
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Answer from Sia
Posted 3 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
To determine which sample satisfies the normal condition for performing a tt test, we need to check if the sample data is approximately normally distributed
step 2
For Sample A, the dot plot shows that most of the data points are clustered between 13 and 15, with only two points outside this range. This indicates a skewed distribution rather than a normal distribution
step 3
For Sample B, the dot plot shows a more spread out distribution of data points across the range from 6 to 14. This distribution appears more symmetric and closer to a normal distribution
step 4
Based on the visual inspection of the dot plots, Sample B satisfies the normal condition for performing a tt test
Key Concept
Normal condition for tt test
The normal condition for performing a tt test requires that the sample data be approximately normally distributed. Sample B shows a more symmetric and spread out distribution, indicating it is closer to a normal distribution compared to Sample A.

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