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Posted 5 months ago

Here is a table classifying 116 thousand US households (in thousands) in 2013 by tenure and insurance status:
Insurance status & Owns home & Rents home \\
\hline Insured & 71 & 13 \\
Uninsured & 5 & 27

Find the marginal distribution of tenure in percentages.
Round to the nearest whole percent.
Owns home: %\square \%
Rents home: %\square \%
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Calculate the percentage of households that own their home by adding the number of insured and uninsured households that own their homes and dividing by the total number of households
step 2
Using the asksia-ll calculation: (71 + 5)/116 \times 100 = 65.5172413793103448275862068965^_ (period 28), which rounds to 66%66\%
step 3
Calculate the percentage of households that rent their home by adding the number of insured and uninsured households that rent their homes and dividing by the total number of households
step 4
Using the asksia-ll calculation: (13 + 27)/116 \times 100 = 34.4827586206896551724137931034^_ (period 28), which rounds to 34%34\%
[Owns home] Answer
[Rents home] Answer
Key Concept
Marginal Distribution in Percentages
The marginal distribution of tenure is found by summing the counts for each tenure category and dividing by the total count, then converting to a percentage.

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