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Posted 4 months ago

Here's a dot plot showing the daily high temperatures in Olivine City in July.

Brock wants to describe the temperature distribution in terms of its clusters, gaps, and peaks.

Which of these statements could Brock use?
Choose all answers that apply:

A There is a data point that is very far from the center.

B There is a peak at 22C22^{\circ} \mathrm{C}.
c. None of the above
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 1
Identify the clusters, gaps, and peaks in the dot plot. The dot plot shows the following distribution: one dot at 19°C, two dots at 20°C, four dots at 21°C, seven dots at 22°C, six dots at 23°C, four dots at 24°C, and one dot at 25°C
step 2
Determine if there is a data point very far from the center. The data points range from 19°C to 25°C, with the center around 22°C. There are no data points that are very far from this center
step 3
Identify the peak in the distribution. The highest frequency of data points is at 22°C, with seven dots
Key Concept
Peak in a distribution
A peak in a distribution is the value with the highest frequency. In this case, 22°C has the highest number of data points, making it the peak.

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