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Posted 4 months ago

Here's a partially-filled Hessian matrix.
? ? ? & -x y \sin (x y) \\
-x y \sin (x y) & -x^{2} \sin (x y)

What is the missing entry?

Choose 1 answer:
(A) y2sin(xy)-y^{2} \sin (x y)
(B) y2sin(xy)y^{2} \sin (x y)
(C) 2x2sin(xy)2-x^{2} \sin (x y)
(D) There's not enough information.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Solution by Steps
step 2
The first partial derivative of the function with respect to x is x(x2sin(xy))=2xsin(xy)x2ycos(xy) \frac{\partial}{\partial x}(-x^2 \sin(xy)) = -2x \sin(xy) - x^2 y \cos(xy)
step 3
The second partial derivative of the function with respect to x is 2x2(x2sin(xy))=x(2xsin(xy)x2ycos(xy)) \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}(-x^2 \sin(xy)) = \frac{\partial}{\partial x}(-2x \sin(xy) - x^2 y \cos(xy))
step 4
Simplifying the second partial derivative with respect to x, we get 2sin(xy)2xycos(xy)2xycos(xy)+x2y2sin(xy) -2 \sin(xy) - 2xy \cos(xy) - 2xy \cos(xy) + x^2 y^2 \sin(xy)
step 5
Combining like terms, the second partial derivative with respect to x is 2sin(xy)4xycos(xy)+x2y2sin(xy) -2 \sin(xy) - 4xy \cos(xy) + x^2 y^2 \sin(xy) . This is the missing entry in the Hessian matrix
Key Concept
Hessian Matrix and Second Partial Derivatives
The Hessian matrix is composed of second-order partial derivatives of a function. The diagonal entries are the second partial derivatives with respect to each variable, which in this case is x for the missing entry.

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