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Posted 5 months ago
Hershey and Chasey's radioactivity to label either DNA or proteins. How does this experiment complement the experiment Avery, McCarthy and McLeod did?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The Hershey and Chase experiment complements the Avery, McCarthy, and McLeod experiment by providing additional evidence that DNA is the genetic material.
Hershey and Chase used bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) to determine whether DNA or protein is the genetic material. They labeled DNA with radioactive phosphorus-32 (32P^{32}P) and proteins with radioactive sulfur-35 (35S^{35}S)
They allowed the labeled bacteriophages to infect bacteria and then used a blender to separate the phage coats from the bacterial cells
After centrifugation, they found that the radioactive 32P^{32}P (DNA) was inside the bacterial cells, while the radioactive 35S^{35}S (protein) was not, indicating that DNA is the genetic material
Avery, McCarthy, and McLeod had previously shown that DNA could transform non-virulent bacteria into virulent ones, suggesting that DNA carries genetic information
The Hershey and Chase experiment provided further confirmation by demonstrating that DNA, not protein, is the material that carries genetic information in viruses
Key Concept
DNA is the genetic material.
The Hershey and Chase experiment used radioactively labeled DNA and proteins to show that DNA, not protein, enters bacterial cells and directs viral reproduction, complementing the earlier findings of Avery, McCarthy, and McLeod.

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