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World History
Posted 9 months ago
Hi Sal, how do we know if the bones or anything were acyually found in the countries that we thought that they are from, because i thought there were no countries in the past or were there?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The concept of modern nation-states is relatively recent, and the identification of archaeological finds with specific modern countries can be anachronistic. However, we refer to the location of finds by current geographical markers for convenience and clarity.
Key Concept
Anachronism in Historical Context
The term "countries" as we understand them today did not exist in the distant past. Instead, the land was divided into various other political entities such as empires, kingdoms, city-states, etc. When we say that artifacts or bones were found in a particular country, we are using modern geographical terms to describe where these items were discovered. This does not necessarily mean that the area was associated with that modern country during the time the artifacts or bones were originally deposited.

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