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Posted 4 months ago

Hogwarts hires wizardry teachers in a monopsonistic labor market. The graph shown here illustrates Hogwarts' marginal factor cost of labor (MFCL)\left(M F C_{L}\right), the supply of labor (SL)\left(S_{L}\right), and the marginal revenue product of labor (MRPL)\left(M R P_{L}\right) for wizardry teachers.

What area represents deadweight loss in this monopsony labor market?
Choose 1 answer:
(A) wazQ10w_{a} z Q_{1} 0
(B) vzyv z y
(C) vxyv x y
(D) wbvxwdw_{b} v x w_{d}
(E) wbvQ10w_{b} v Q_{1} 0
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Identifying Deadweight Loss: Deadweight loss in a monopsony occurs because the monopsonist hires fewer workers (Q_2) than the competitive equilibrium quantity (Q_1) at a lower wage (w_a) than the competitive wage (w_c)
Graphical Representation: On the graph, the deadweight loss is the area between the supply curve (S_L) and the marginal revenue product curve (MRP_L) from Q_2 to Q_1. This area represents the lost welfare due to the monopsonist not hiring the additional workers that would have been hired in a competitive market
Correct Answer: The correct area representing deadweight loss is the triangle formed by the points v, x, and y. This is because it is the area between the MFC_L curve above the S_L curve (representing the higher wage the monopsonist would have to pay for additional workers) and the MRP_L curve (representing the value of the additional workers' output) from the monopsonistic quantity Q_2 to the competitive quantity Q_1
(C) vxyv x y
Key Concept
Deadweight loss in a monopsony labor market
Deadweight loss in a monopsony labor market is represented by the area where the monopsonist's marginal factor cost of labor (MFC_L) exceeds the supply of labor (S_L) up to the point where the supply of labor intersects with the marginal revenue product of labor (MRP_L). This area reflects the welfare loss due to the monopsonist hiring fewer workers than in a competitive market.

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