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Posted 4 months ago
How are age, gender, and ethnicity determined through skeletal remains?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Age, gender, and ethnicity can be determined through the analysis of skeletal remains by examining bone morphology, development, and DNA.
Age estimation: This can be done by observing the growth and fusion of bones, such as the long bones and cranial sutures. In children and adolescents, the presence of growth plates and the degree of their fusion can indicate age. In adults, the degree of wear and degeneration of bone structures, such as the pubic symphysis, can be used to estimate age
Sex determination: The pelvis is the most reliable bone for determining sex, with females typically having a wider subpubic angle and broader sciatic notch. The skull also provides clues, with males generally having more pronounced brow ridges and mastoid processes
Ethnicity estimation: This is more challenging and less precise but can be approached by examining overall skull shape and features such as the nasal index, prognathism, and the shape of the dental arcade. DNA analysis can also provide information on ancestry and ethnicity
Key Concept
Skeletal analysis for age, gender, and ethnicity involves examining bone morphology, development, and DNA.
Age is estimated through bone growth and wear patterns, gender through pelvic and cranial features, and ethnicity through skull shape and genetic markers.

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