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World History
Posted 6 months ago
How did the large empires of Asia respond to globalization compared to Europe (the West) and what were the historical consequences?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 6 months ago
Here is your solution:

The large empires of Asia, such as the Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, Qing, and Tokugawa shogunate, responded to globalization in various ways that were often different from the responses of European states. While Europe was actively engaging in exploration and colonization, Asian empires were more focused on internal consolidation and managing their diverse populations.

The Ottoman Empire, for instance, controlled key trade routes between Europe and Asia and initially benefited from increased trade. However, as European powers began to find sea routes around Africa to Asia, the Ottomans' control over land routes became less significant, leading to economic decline.

The Safavid Empire in Persia also engaged in trade with Europeans but faced internal strife and external pressures from the Ottomans and the Mughals, which eventually led to its decline.

The Mughal Empire in India was a major player in the global trade of goods such as textiles and spices. However, the empire began to decline due to internal challenges and increasing European presence, particularly the British East India Company, which eventually led to colonial rule.

The Qing Empire in China initially enjoyed a favorable trade balance with Europe, exporting goods such as tea, silk, and porcelain. However, the Qing government's attempt to limit European influence and trade led to conflicts such as the Opium Wars, which resulted in the opening of Chinese ports to foreign trade under unequal treaties.

The Tokugawa shogunate in Japan chose a policy of sakoku (closed country), severely restricting foreign influence and trade to a few Dutch and Chinese traders in Nagasaki. This isolation helped Japan maintain its sovereignty but also meant it fell behind in technological advancements.
The large empires of Asia responded to globalization by trying to manage trade and foreign influence in ways that maintained their sovereignty and economic interests. However, these responses often led to varying degrees of decline and vulnerability to European colonization and influence, with significant historical consequences such as economic dependency, loss of territory, and in some cases, the collapse of these empires.
Key Concept
Asian empires' responses to globalization during the early modern period
These responses were shaped by the desire to maintain sovereignty and economic stability but often resulted in decline and increased European influence.

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