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World History
Posted 9 months ago
How did you calculate 6 or 7 thousand generations over 200,000 years?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
There are approximately 6 to 7 thousand generations in 200,000 years when considering an average generation length of 25 to 30 years.
Key Concept
Estimating Generations Over Time
To calculate the number of generations over a given period, you divide the total number of years by the average length of a generation. The average generation length can vary, but for the purpose of this calculation, we often use 25 to 30 years as a standard estimate. Using this range, if we have 200,000 years, we divide by 25 years per generation to get 8,000 generations, or divide by 30 years per generation to get approximately 6,667 generations. This provides a rough estimate of the number of generations over 200,000 years.

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