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Posted 4 months ago
How did you distinguish the protein profiles of different species from each other?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
To distinguish the protein profiles of different species from each other, scientists use techniques such as electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, and bioinformatics analysis.
Protein Extraction: Obtain protein samples from the tissues or cells of the species being studied
Electrophoresis: Use techniques like SDS-PAGE to separate proteins based on their molecular weight and charge
Staining and Imaging: Stain the gels to visualize the protein bands and use imaging equipment to capture the protein profiles
Mass Spectrometry: Further analyze the protein bands to determine the precise molecular weight and amino acid sequence of the proteins
Bioinformatics: Compare the protein profiles using bioinformatics tools to identify species-specific proteins or patterns
Key Concept
Protein Profiling
Protein profiling involves separating and identifying proteins from different species to compare their protein composition and abundance, which can be used to distinguish between species.

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