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Posted 9 months ago
How do cells and organs work together to maintain a stable environment? Discuss examples of how our bodies regulate temperature, blood pressure and glucose.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Cells and organs work together to maintain a stable internal environment through a process called homeostasis. This involves various feedback mechanisms that regulate body temperature, blood pressure, and glucose levels.
Temperature Regulation: The hypothalamus in the brain acts as a thermostat, detecting changes in body temperature
Blood Pressure Control: The autonomic nervous system adjusts blood vessel diameter, heart rate, and kidney function to maintain blood pressure
Glucose Regulation: The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon to control blood glucose levels
Key Concept
Homeostasis is the process by which cells and organs work together to maintain a stable internal environment.
Homeostasis involves feedback mechanisms that ensure the stability of body temperature, blood pressure, and glucose levels, despite external changes.

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