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World History
Posted 9 months ago
How do we determine that modern human beings have been on this year for 200,000 years? Also what do you mean by anatomically modern human beings?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
Modern human beings, or Homo sapiens, have been on Earth for approximately 200,000 years, as determined by fossil evidence and genetic data. Anatomically modern human beings refer to individuals with physical characteristics similar to those of humans today.
Key Concept
The study of human origins and the timeline of human evolution
The determination that modern human beings have been on Earth for about 200,000 years is based on a combination of archaeological and genetic evidence. Fossilized human remains, such as skulls and other bones, have been dated using techniques like radiocarbon dating and other forms of radiometric analysis. These methods measure the decay of radioactive isotopes in organic materials, providing an estimate of age. The oldest fossils classified as anatomically modern Homo sapiens have been found in Africa and date back to this time period. Anatomically modern human beings are characterized by a number of physical features that distinguish them from earlier human ancestors, such as a high forehead, a rounded skull, reduced brow ridges, and a smaller, more pointed chin. These features are similar to those of contemporary humans, indicating that by this point in history, our ancestors had developed a physical appearance comparable to ours today. Genetic studies also support the timeline of human evolution. By analyzing the DNA of modern humans and comparing it with that of ancient humans and other hominids, scientists can trace genetic changes and estimate when certain mutations occurred. This genetic evidence aligns with the fossil record in suggesting that the common ancestors of all living humans were present in Africa around 200,000 years ago.

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