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Posted 5 months ago
How does the cell wall of a collenchyma and sclerenchyma cell provide more structural support than the wall of a parenchyma cell?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The cell walls of collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells provide more structural support than those of parenchyma cells due to their composition and thickening.
Composition of cell walls: Collenchyma cells have cell walls that are unevenly thickened with pectin and hemicellulose, while sclerenchyma cells have walls thickened with lignin. Parenchyma cells have thin and flexible primary cell walls without these extensive thickening materials
Function of thickening materials: The pectin and hemicellulose in collenchyma provide flexibility and mechanical support, allowing for growth and elongation. Lignin in sclerenchyma adds rigidity and resistance to compression and bending, making these cells well-suited for structural support
Key Concept
Cell wall composition and thickening contribute to structural support.
Collenchyma cells have unevenly thickened walls with pectin and hemicellulose, providing flexibility and support, while sclerenchyma cells have lignin-thickened walls for rigidity and strength, compared to the thin walls of parenchyma cells.

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