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Posted 7 months ago
How does the tragedy of the commons concept relate to the scenario of a public park being littered because individuals don't face the full cost of their actions?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 7 months ago
The tragedy of the commons in the context of a public park being littered occurs because individuals do not bear the full cost of their actions, leading to overuse and degradation of the common resource.
Definition of Tragedy of the Commons: The tragedy of the commons is an economic problem where individuals tend to exploit shared resources so that the demand overwhelms the supply, and the resource becomes unavailable for the whole
Application to Public Park Littering: In the case of a public park, the park is a common resource available to all. When individuals litter, they do not face the full cost of their actions (such as the negative impact on the environment and the enjoyment of the park by others), leading to overuse and degradation of the park
Externalities: Littering in a public park creates a negative externality, which is a cost that is not transmitted through prices and is incurred by parties who did not agree to the action causing the cost
Key Concept
Tragedy of the Commons
The tragedy of the commons explains how individual actions, when not considering the full social cost, can lead to the overuse and depletion of a shared resource, such as a public park.

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