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Posted 5 months ago
How the white pulp and red pulp areas of the spleen differ from each other?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The white pulp and red pulp areas of the spleen have different structures and functions.
White Pulp: :
 ⋮ Composed of lymphoid tissue that includes lymphocytes and macrophages. It is involved in the immune response, filtering blood, and producing antibodies. 
 b ⋮ Red Pulp: ⋮
Made up of sinuses filled with erythrocytes (red blood cells), it is responsible for the filtration of old and damaged red blood cells, storage of platelets, and blood reservoir function
Key Concept
White pulp is associated with immune functions, while red pulp is involved in filtering and storing blood components.
The spleen's white pulp acts as a site for immune surveillance and response, whereas the red pulp is primarily for the removal of old red blood cells and blood storage

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