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Posted 9 months ago
How we can collect serum from blood?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
To collect serum from blood, blood must first clot, and then the clot is removed to leave behind the liquid serum.
Collect blood: Blood is drawn from the individual using a needle and collected into a tube without anticoagulants
Allow clotting: The collected blood is left undisturbed at room temperature to allow the blood to clot naturally, which usually takes 30 minutes to an hour
Centrifugation: After clotting, the sample is centrifuged using a centrifuge at approximately 1000–2000 g for about 10-15 minutes
Separate serum: The liquid portion, which is the serum, is carefully decanted or pipetted off from the clot into a new container
Key Concept
Serum is the liquid fraction of blood that is collected after the blood has clotted and the clot has been removed.
Serum is used for various diagnostic tests and does not contain blood cells or clotting factors, which are part of the clot.

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