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青州's Question
Posted 4 months ago

I have given you a condensed structure. You need to convert it to an accurate bond-line structure.

Draw (as bond-line structures) isomers of this compound where you only move the chlorine atom.

Draw four isomers of the original compound that would have a five carbon chain as the longest chain. [Note: there would be many isomers that will satisfy this. Find any four.]

Using the original molecule (and looking at the carbon next to the aldehyde carbonyl) what would be the charge on that carbon if I removed an H\mathrm{H} atom and left behind the pair of electrons? Circle the best answer
In the space below, draw that structure (from the sentence above) as a bond-line structure. Then, draw a resonance structure for this ion and be sure to add curved arrows to show the movement of electrons.
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Answer from Sia
Posted 4 months ago
Key Concept
Electronegativity and Stability of Carbocations
When an H\mathrm{H} atom is removed from the carbon next to the aldehyde carbonyl, the carbon would have a positive charge because it would become a carbocation, which is an electron-deficient species.
Key Concept
Resonance and Electron Delocalization
The bond-line structure with a positive charge on the carbon next to the aldehyde will show the positive charge delocalized over the oxygen of the aldehyde group in the resonance structure, with curved arrows indicating the movement of electrons.

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