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World History
Posted 9 months ago
I understand that stories can change over time, but through my understanding of paper from long ago, paper was very valuable. People would spend their whole life savings on paper. I honestly doubt that they would write something that wasn't valuable or worth remembering. When you say we need to be skeptical about what was recorded, I wanted to ask you where you get that theory from? Do you get that theory on the thought alone of things changing over time, or is that from your thorough study of history as a whole and understanding what was happening in each culture at that time? Many cultures even document similar things in different places of the world that show us how a lot of different things that happened in history are accurate, like the Great Flood.、
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Answer from Sia
Posted 9 months ago
The theory that we should be skeptical about historical records comes from a thorough study of history and an understanding of the biases and limitations of historical sources.
Key Concept
Historical Skepticism and Source Analysis
The skepticism towards historical records is not based solely on the idea that stories change over time, but also on a comprehensive understanding of historiography—the study of how history is written. Historians recognize that while paper was valuable and often used to document important information, the content of these documents was influenced by the perspectives, intentions, and limitations of the authors and the societies they lived in. This includes recognizing that historical records may be biased, incomplete, or influenced by the political, social, and economic contexts of the time. Additionally, the existence of similar stories, such as flood narratives, across different cultures does not necessarily confirm the accuracy of events but rather points to common human experiences or shared storytelling traditions. Therefore, historians cross-reference sources, consider the context in which they were produced, and critically evaluate their reliability to construct a more nuanced understanding of the past.

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