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World History
Posted 5 months ago
I was taught theat the first written records were by the sumerian civilization around the same time, but here it says they came from Egypt?! So was it the Sumerian civilization that began writting or was the Egyptians? Also do hieroglyphs count as history or pre-history?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The first written records are generally attributed to the Sumerian civilization, which developed cuneiform writing around 3400-3000 BCE. However, the Egyptians also developed their own writing system, hieroglyphs, around the same time, approximately 3200 BCE. Both civilizations contributed significantly to the development of writing. Hieroglyphs do count as part of history, not pre-history, because they represent a form of written record-keeping.
Key Concept
The development of writing systems in early civilizations
The Sumerians are credited with creating one of the earliest forms of writing, cuneiform, which was used for record-keeping, administration, and literature. Around the same period, the Egyptians developed hieroglyphs, a complex system of pictorial writing used for religious texts, monumental inscriptions, and administrative records. Both writing systems mark the transition from pre-history (before written records) to history (with written records), as they provide us with direct evidence of the thoughts, administration, and culture of these ancient civilizations.

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